Thursday, June 23, 2011


A few weeks ago a friend of mine named Leslie asked if I would mind making some mini cupcakes for a baby shower she was throwing for her friend. 

Of course, I said yes! (Add to the list of things Tim thinks I am spreading myself too thin with.)

Let's see...the cupcakes were needed for Saturday. The week before this date went like this:

Monday & Tuesday: work 9-6

Wednesday: leaving for NC at 530am to attend fabulous breast cancer/women's networking event
Thursday: Return from NC, go to lunch with my sister, go to Atlantic City for networking event with Lauren where we proceeded to go to dinner with some wonderful women we met and wound up getting home around 12. 
Friday: Work 9-6..throw in a lunch date with the dentist.(ugh)

Soooooooooo needless to say I baked about 40-some mini cupcakes Friday night. I'm a huge fan of what mini cupcakes turn out to look like when finished...but I am not a huge fan of filling the tiny cups before baking!!!!

Friday night I realized I was out of food coloring and after the exhausting week I had I did NOT feel like running to the store at 9 o'clock at night. (I should have forced myself!)

Saturday morning I woke up and went to the store...I got some food coloring and some bacon. 

The bacon wasn't for the was to butter up my husband whom I forgot to tell we needed to leave the house by noon to deliver these little minis to their destination.

The reason noon is early is because he works at a bar on Friday nights...he got home around 4am and well...we didn't need to leave for the race shop (that's a whole other story) until closer to 1. 

At 11 I went upstairs and woke him up. I said, "Get up, I'm making you a bacon sandwich and we need to leave at 12..." and ran downstairs. Hahahahaha. 

He came down to bacon frying in the pan and me putting light blue icing on my little mini cupcakes. 

For this, I slopped all of the icing into a plastic ziplock bag and cut the corner off. The problem with this bag was it was technically a freezer bag and had strange corners I guess to make it stand nicely if you happen to put liquid in it to freeze (which who does that anyhow?) 

This made the first few not look so I switched to a generic brand snack bag...cut the corner and voila! Perfect iced minis!

Tim was staring at me while I added little sugar pearls to the icing. He asked what they were. 

I said, "They're sprinkles." 
He said, "Those are NOT sprinkles." 
I said, "Fine, they're sugar pearls!" 

But I will tell you that the bottle of "sugar pearls" did say sprinkles on it!!!

In any case, I finished and was out of the house by 12:10...they needed to be there by at least 12:45 because the shower started at 1...I got to Leslie's at 12:30...parked in someone else's spot in her complex...put my blinkers on (would they really tow my car if I'm delivering cute little light-blue-iced-sprinkle-covered cupcakes? I didn't think so either.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. I knocked again. I thought I'd hear her or she'd yell to let me in or something. Oh wait, I think I need to go up one more flight of stairs. Yup. Glad no one answered that door!!

Cupcakes delivered in perfect time. Confirmation that everyone loved the little confections. Just call me "Sandra Lee - Semi-Homemade" today. (If you're like me and watch food shows, you'll know who that is!)

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