Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Would You Behave Differently?

While looking for a speaker for my job...I came across this guy named Brian Tracy. I "liked" him on Facebook because he seemed very interesting.

Yesterday he posted this quote that really made me think.

"Imagine that you are already the very best in your field; how would you behave differently?"

I have never been completely confident in any part of my life...even at times when I know I did the best I could do...I always feel like I could have also done better. 

My husband can account for this because every single time I go to sing karaoke, I wind up coming back to the table making terrible faces and complaining about how bad I was. I've even gotten compliments after singing and still want to bury my face in the sand with embarassment! (I know, I'm a little crazy.) But what if I just pretended (imagined) that I was the best and ignored my little voice telling me otherwise?

And this doesn't go for just hobbies like goes for my work. I know I do a darn good job at planning events...however, I always feel like there's something I could do better or possibly just speak up about the ideas and thoughts that I have. But I don't because I'm nervous people will turn my ideas down...but what if they ARE the best ideas? Shouldn't I just pretend I'm the best and let the thoughts and ideas fly just in case? 

And I guess I don't want to look cocky? I guess there's a balance you need to find when "imagining you're the best in your field". Maybe imagining you're the best in your field and having confidence in what you do go hand in hand. 

There's my little rant for the day on my way of life. It's funny how one little quote can make you re-access the way you live your life...

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