Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Life IS the messy bits"

End of May - Find out something is wrong with Buddy

Go home not knowing what the problem is...hug and love and kiss the pups. Squeeze Tim's hand with fear and hope. 

Early June - Find out Buddy has serious kidney issues...cry til there are no more tears. Buddy is put on blood pressure meds and antibiotics. He decides he doesn't like his food anymore.

At home, Tim and I cook Buddy some ground beef & rice together hoping to keep him eating. He does. We are ecstatic.

Buy an air conditioner for our bedroom so we're not sweating since the central air doesn't work too well upstairs.

Sweet! It's used so it's on sale!

Get it home. Plug it in. No wonder they returned it.

Return the air conditioner on Father's Day. 

Get in the truck to drive to Tim's parent's house - seat belt airbag breaks for no reason causing a loud noise and smoke in the truck...while we're not even moving yet!

Laugh with Tim as I sit in the backseat...now afraid the front seat is going to kill me. Drive to Tim's parents. Have a nice dinner with Tim's parents for Father's Day which he insists on paying for.

Results back from another vet appt for Buddy...ALL levels are worse.Cry. Curse the vet (in our heads.) Swear they're wrong. 

I could keep going...the point is, there's good and bad that happens everyday. Having friends and family (and pups) can make everything better (or worse depending on the day!) 

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